reduced size of host lv
created another lv of 18.7 gb
added lv to guest as another hdd
gone init 1 then with dd copied source to destination hdd inside nmlsitea
with fdisk checked last cyl of the new hdd and changed endcyl of part 2(create new, check last cyl, del new, del part2, create new with part2 begcyl and above found end cyl)
extended phy vol of new hdd with pvextend
shutdown nmlsitea . removed the hdds, added new hdd again as hda and ide interface.
found free PE by using lvdisplay(it is 303)
lvextend -l +303 /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
to extend the LV
resize2fs /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
Process is complete. Here is some outputs.