OBDII Codes and Torque Real-time HTTP Keys

OBDII Codes and Torque Real-time HTTP Keys

The following work-in-progress tables list known OBDII codes and their
equivalent keys when sent to an HTTP endpoint via the query string.

Basic Torque Data

Device IDid
Session IDsession

Vehicle Instrumentation

Absolute Throttle Position B47k47
Accelerator PedalPosition D49k49
Accelerator PedalPosition E4ak4a
Accelerator PedalPosition F4bk4b
Air Fuel Ratio(Commanded)kff124d
Air Fuel Ratio(Measured)kff1249
Air Status12k12
Ambient air temp46k46
Average trip speed(whilst moving only)kff1263
Average trip speed(whilst stopped or moving)kff1272
Barometer (on Android device)kff1270
Barometric pressure (from vehicle)33k33
Catalyst Temperature (Bank 1 Sensor 1)3ck3c
Catalyst Temperature (Bank 1 Sensor 2)3ek3e
Catalyst Temperature (Bank 2 Sensor 1)3dk3d
Catalyst Temperature (Bank 2 Sensor 2)3fk3f
CO₂ in g/km (Average)kff1258
CO₂ in g/km (Instantaneous)kff1257
Commanded Equivalence Ratio(lambda)44k44
Cost per mile/km (Instant)kff126d
Cost per mile/km (Trip)kff126e
Distance to empty (Estimated)kff126a
Distance travelled since codes cleared31k31
Distance travelled with MIL/CEL lit21k21
EGR Commanded2ck2c
EGR Error2dk2d
Engine Coolant Temperature05k05
Engine kW (At the wheels)kff1273
Engine Load04k04
Engine Load(Absolute)43k43
Engine Oil Temperature5ck5c
Engine RPM0ck0c
Ethanol Fuel %52k52
Evap System Vapour Pressure32k32
Exhaust Gas Temperature 178k78
Exhaust Gas Temperature 279k79
Fuel cost (trip)kff125c
Fuel flow rate/hourkff125d
Fuel flow rate/minutekff125a
Fuel Level (From Engine ECU)2fk2f
Fuel pressure0ak0a
Fuel Rail Pressure23k23
Fuel Rail Pressure (relative to manifold vacuum)22k22
Fuel Remaining (Calculated from vehicle profile)kff126b
Fuel Status03k03
Fuel Trim Bank 1 Long Term07k07
Fuel trim bank 1 sensor 114k14
Fuel trim bank 1 sensor 215k15
Fuel trim bank 1 sensor 316k16
Fuel trim bank 1 sensor 417k17
Fuel Trim Bank 1 Short Term06k06
Fuel Trim Bank 2 Long Term09k09
Fuel trim bank 2 sensor 118k18
Fuel trim bank 2 sensor 219k19
Fuel trim bank 2 sensor 31ak1a
Fuel trim bank 2 sensor 41bk1b
Fuel Trim Bank 2 Short Term08k08
Fuel used (trip)kff1271
Horsepower (At the wheels)kff1226
Intake Manifold Pressure0bk0b
Kilometers Per Litre(Instant)kff1203
Kilometers Per Litre(Long Term Average)kff5202
Litres Per 100 Kilometer(Instant)kff1207
Litres Per 100 Kilometer(Long Term Average)kff5203
Mass Air Flow Rate10k10
Miles Per Gallon(Instant)kff1201
Miles Per Gallon(Long Term Average)kff5201
O2 Sensor1 Equivalence Ratio24k24
O2 Sensor1 Equivalence Ratio(alternate)34k34
O2 Sensor1 wide-range Voltagekff1240
O2 Sensor2 Equivalence Ratio25k25
O2 Sensor2 wide-range Voltagekff1241
O2 Sensor3 Equivalence Ratio26k26
O2 Sensor3 wide-range Voltagekff1242
O2 Sensor4 Equivalence Ratio27k27
O2 Sensor4 wide-range Voltagekff1243
O2 Sensor5 Equivalence Ratio28k28
O2 Sensor5 wide-range Voltagekff1244
O2 Sensor6 Equivalence Ratio29k29
O2 Sensor6 wide-range Voltagekff1245
O2 Sensor7 Equivalence Ratio2ak2a
O2 Sensor7 wide-range Voltagekff1246
O2 Sensor8 Equivalence Ratio2bk2b
O2 Sensor8 wide-range Voltagekff1247
O2 Volts Bank 1 sensor 1kff1214
O2 Volts Bank 1 sensor 2kff1215
O2 Volts Bank 1 sensor 3kff1216
O2 Volts Bank 1 sensor 4kff1217
O2 Volts Bank 2 sensor 1kff1218
O2 Volts Bank 2 sensor 2kff1219
O2 Volts Bank 2 sensor 3kff121a
O2 Volts Bank 2 sensor 4kff121b
Relative Accelerator Pedal Position5ak5a
Relative Throttle Position45k45
Run time since engine start1fk1f
Speed (GPS)kff1001
Speed (OBD)0dk0d
Intake Air Temperature0fk0f
Throttle Position(Manifold)11k11
Timing Advance0ek0e
Transmission Temperature(Method 1)kfe1805
Transmission Temperature(Method 2)b4kb4
Trip average KPLkff1206
Trip average Litres/100 KMkff1208
Trip average MPGkff1205
Trip Distancekff1204
Trip distance (stored in vehicle profile)kff120c
Trip Time(Since journey start)kff1266
Trip Time(whilst moving)kff1268
Trip time(whilst stationary)kff1267
Turbo Boost & Vacuum Gaugekff1202
Voltage (Control Module)42k42
Voltage (OBD Adapter)kff1238
Volumetric Efficiency (Calculated)kff1269

Device Instrumentation

Acceleration Sensor(Total)kff1223
Acceleration Sensor(X axis)kff1220
Acceleration Sensor(Y axis)kff1221
Acceleration Sensor(Z axis)kff1222
GPS Accuracykff1239
GPS Altitudekff1010
GPS Bearingkff123b
GPS Latitudekff1006
GPS Longitudekff1005
GPS Satelliteskff123a
GPS vs OBD Speed differencekff1237

Saved Measurements

0-100kph Timekff122e
0-200kph Timekff124f
0-30mph Timekff1277
0-60mph Timekff122d
1/4 mile timekff122f
1/8 mile timekff1230
100-0kph Timekff1264
40-60mph Timekff1260
60-0mph Timekff1265
60-120mph Timekff125e
60-130mph Timekff1276
60-80mph Timekff125f
80-100mph Timekff1261
80-120kph Timekff1275


GET /obdii.php?


GPS Longitude &kff1005=86.25362385
GPS Latitude &kff1006=22.79582873
Speed (GPS) &kff1001=15.696
Throttle Position(Manifold) &k11=27.058825
Engine Oil Temperature &k5=90.0
Engine RPM &kc=1482.75
Vehicle Speed km/h &kd=18.9
Intake Air Temperature &kf=25.0
Acceleration Sensor(X axis) &kff1220=0.34518304
Acceleration Sensor(Y axis) &kff1221=-0.15545455
Fuel cost (trip) &kff125c=38.973377

Using this technique, the following PIDs were decoded:
– kff126b – remaining fuel calculated,
– kff126a – distance to empty,
– kff1273 – engine kW at wheels,
– kff1272 – average trip speed,
– kff1271 – fuel used on current trip,
– kff125d – fuel flow rate per hour,
– kff129a – android device battery level,
– kff1204 – trip distance,
– kff1267 – GPS bearings,
– kff1266 – trip time since start of journey,
– kff1269 – volumetric efficiency calculated,
– kff1268 – trip time while moving,
– kff5203 – liters per 100 kilometers,
– kff5202 – kilometers per liter,
– kff5201 – miles per gallon.

Key Sensor Name Unit Group

kd Vehicle Speed Km/h
k42 Battery Voltage V 

Stand-alone sensors
k11 Throttle Position (Manifold) %

    kff1220 Acceleration - Total g

Accelerometer kff1221 Acceleration – Axys X g
kff1222 Acceleration – Axys Y g
kff1223 Acceleration – Axys z g

Engine k5 Engine Coolant Temperature ◦C
k43 Absolute Engine Load %
kf Intake Air Temperature ◦C
k10 Mass Air Flow Rate g/s
kb Intake Manifold Pressure psi
kc Engine RPM rpm

k2f Fuel Level from engine ECU %

Fuel k43 Instant consumption rate Km/L
kff1203 Commanded Equivalence Ratio (λ) –
kff1271 Fuel used on trip L

kff1005 Longitude ◦

GPS kff1006 Latitude ◦