Daily update not possible

I could understand that daily update by me is not possible.

Anyway till today following happened since my last update.

prepared specs for RFID not yet circulated.

STIS 2013 completed.

Memory for Server and Desktop already received and checking report / issue slip submitted.

Desktop RAM tested but XP not able to handle more than 3GB RAM and BIOS of wipro PCs (ASUS) has some issue and unable to use more than 3GB.

Server RAM to be tested.

Accesspoint for engineering procured(DWL-3200AP Rs 7335/-), issued, installed and tested. To be adjusted with FVC.

BioTA printer for ID card printing issued and tested with plastic cards. Working fine . Created the template for NML’s parmanent employee ID Card (took whole day) and taken printout. Working fine. Template for other type of card to be made and Smart Card indent to be given. Got price from comptech (Rs 69/-+tax) . Today I shall give indent for Blank 4K Smart ID Card. Immidiate requirement is around 200 nos of “blank white CR-80 size 4k Mifare ISO 14443A  Smart ID Cards”.

From STIS 2013 could learn about Wifi Capacity problem. The DWL-3200AP in lecture hall created problem in connection when number of client exceeds 20 . The memory in use become 99%, and it started rejecting new clients. Number of clients need to be limited to 20.

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