
[After following exercise verified that old mails of 10-11-12/10/2013 are coming, system is Ok now]

Detected MAJOR problem: outside emails not coming to NML. Last spam to my mailbox is Thursday 07:11 PM via ASSP2.  Found ASSP in GW1 down. restarted but ldap1 giving no MAIL/EXPR… etc problem. logged in to LDAP2 (backup ASSP) found asp dead. rebooted GW1 and restarted asp in GW1 but problem still persists. My yahoo mail did not come, even though asp at GW1 and LDAP2 running now.

Found GW1 assp logs are upto 05/10/2013 !!!! it was down since then!! to be put in Monitoring system.

mail via GW1 still has problem blocked port 25 to redirect to assp2 which is working . the problem showing in ldap1 log as “ did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection”

Problem resolved by commenting following lines in /etc/mail/sendmail.mc then recompiling and restarting sendmail. Port 25 block removed and tested.

dnl FEATURE(`dnsbl’,`dnsbl.sorbs.net’,`”554 Rejected ” $&{client_addr} ” found in dnsbl.sorbs.net”‘)dnl
dnl FEATURE(`enhdnsbl’, `bl.spamcop.net’, `”Spam blocked see: http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml?”$&{client_addr}’, `t’)dnl
dnl FEATURE(`enhdnsbl’, `bl.spamcannibal.org’, `”Spam blocked see: http://bl.spamcannibal.org/?”$&{client_addr}’, `t’)dnl

Some of the dnsbl provider may be hanging.

Tried to DIG OUT The reason

[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @ sorbs.net
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @ sorbs.net A
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @ dnsbl.sorbs.net A
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @ bl.spamcop.net A
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @ bl.spamcannibal.org A
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Looks both sorbs and spamcop failing to respond.. may be
(a) service of these provider discontinued..  OR
(b) network problem, unreachable  OR
(c) NKN DNS resolution problem.

lets check (c)

[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @ns1.bsnl.in dnsbl.sorbs.net A
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @ns1.bsnl.in bl.spamcop.net A
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@ldap1 ~]# dig +short @ns1.bsnl.in bl.spamcannibal.org A

Issue (c) is not there so it may be a or b


SORBS service is down confirms its site. SPAMCOP site has no message but not working.sorbs-down

BSNL all links are down at 16:15, sent sms via web interface but looks not going out. called and intimated Saha regarding this. Again all mail Servers needs to be checked. Found not switching to NKN. Removed dual IP for single FQDN. now gw1.nmlindia.org points only BSNL-GW1 ip and smtp.nml.in points NKN-GW1 ip. Also changed DNS make entry ns2.nmlindia.org to point NKN-20. created assp listen port in LDAP2 for this ip and iptables to permit incomming SMTP on this ip. restarted assp / iptables in LDAP2. To check and correct FW rule in GW1 for NKN-21 for SMTP.

could not understand why unable to connect port 25 of NKN-21 from my BB. Firewall and IPconfig in assp is OK.

 Problem located in GW1 as BSNL down is “ERROR: !!!! no answering DNS-SERVER”.

Located the problem in default route in W2K multiple route not working properly. in LDAP1 and LDAP2 my scripts for multirouting working fine. Some script for W2K/other windows version to be created.


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