NKN was down since 21:55 yesterday, lodged complain with SMS
Marut intimated by SMS link is Ok. Checked and found link Ok at 07:35 AM.
Created script for removing spam from a mailbox folder. This need to be tested and used. Working with my folders. The regex to be set in file spamregex very carefuly. Then mailRemove.sh to be executed.
I had put user bd only at present and fixed INBOX.Spam folder, also using mp_reject script. (created three files mp_reject , mailRemove.sh and spamregex )
Studying procmail for more changes, I had created global procmailrc about two weeeks back for spam handling working fine. However more finetuning required in both ASSP and the procmailrc.
BioTA turnstile camera problem. Wiring not know to us tried to search and fine the fault. After spending lot of time could pin point the fault due to nursery people in the gardening. The damaged cable was rotten about a feet due to leakage water inside the jacket. Informed Naiya about it and with his help digout and reconnected temporarily. The cable need to be changed the rewiring and rerouting is also required.
Talked to Mr Ajit Kumar Synchronous Ranchi for BioTA reader mode U990 of eSSL. He will send a unit tomorrow for testing by me, the price already quoted (Appr 15000/- with Smartcard reader).