Fedora Upgrade version 35 to 40

dnf upgrade –refresh

dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade

dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=<ver>
Incase of broken dependancy try with 
dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=<ver> –allowerasing

replace <var> with the version you want to upgrade to. Remember <ver> should not be more than 2 versions from current version.
I have tested above from 35 to 37 then 37 to 39 then 39 to 40.

Route Addition to IKEv2 in Windows 11

There is no option in windows for adding a static route automatically through a VPN using GUI, but using powershell its working fine here is the command :

Add-VpnConnectionRoute VPN-Name Route-In-CIDR

To remove the route

 Remove-VpnConnectionRoute VPN-Name  Route-In-CIDR

For Example

Add-VpnConnectionRoute "IKEv2 VPN NML" ""

Whenever I connect to NML VPN I get all traffic directed to NML Network. Be careful your home network is other than