Found problem in 8Hrs calc for Sudip showing negative. Found his leave entry has problem with following data.
01/08/2012 31/07/2013 SL 61
01/10/2012 31/03/2013 SL 182
01/04/2013 21/06/2013 SL 82
The overlapped data creating problem. The difference is incorrect : days and date difference not matching.
Unable to update GW1 since IE6, unable to make IE8 as it requires min XPSP2.
Created script for above anomally , searched all, taken printout and corrected most entries.
ID 01000001347 CCL (BC) not as per rule corrected.
BioTA wrongly allows 1/2 ML,RH, EL etc. also excluded inbetween Sat/Sun in BC leave. To be corrected. BC leave config changed and tried with recompute. Had to delete and apply again for correction.
Corrected all entries with TotalLeave days and DateDiff of From and To. Most of the problems is due to From and To from one to other month. If muster generated apriory there will be no problem.
Surprisingly only five ladies taken Child Care Leave, One person Study Leave, None one taken Maternity Leave, six persons paternity leave, ID 1026 has given 284 days Other leave (many discrp in FL), no extra ordinary leave !!!!